Friday, November 14, 2008

40th Reunion

It was incredible seeing everyone Saturday night. Sorry we couldn't make it Friday, but coming to Florida from Colorado it's a must to spend time with family as much as possible since I don't get to see them that often. It's been 30 years since I left Florida and yet I can walk into a room and immediately recognize faces and know names from so long ago. It just doesn't seem possible, but it was so wonderful to see such dear friends that shared an entire childhood together. What a gift we have. Most people I know don't have reunions and even if they did probably wouldn't go. We have something very special having shared the experiences we did and having stayed connected in such a way that we can come back together and it's like we've never been apart! Thanks to all that helped plan the reunion and have helped to keep us together over the years. You rock!

Monday, November 10, 2008

40 years???? It can't be!!

When someone mentioned it was getting close to our 40th reunion...I thought NO WAY!! It seems like just yesterday we were : 1.spending our days on the beach 2. having beach parties at night 3. going to football and basketball games 4. having those GREAT slumber parties 5. going to the dances at night at the Coronado Club (not even dreaming that Greg Allman would be famous one day)
6. spending the day out on the river (courtesy of Cindy's dad) skiing
7. going up to the pier in Daytona to dance the night away
8. and totally enjoying the freedom of small town life with all our friends

Isn't it nice the way we can revert back for just a nite to those carefree times? The laughter and stories just melt away all those years in between..and thoughts of those who we've lost also are there.
Anyway, here's to all of us..older, wiser, but still the same people (and kids) at heart!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Welcome to the Blog for the New Smyrna Beach High School Classes of 1968 & 1969

Hello Everyone! The ten year reunions have been such a blast that a few of us decided we need to have our own blog! So. welcome, folks, to the 21st century!

You can add comments of your own to the blog, up-load photos, and all.